
Using ontologies to describe artists’ books and other amorphous genres
View this webinar to learn about an ontological tool to use in crafting acquisition policies for artists’ books and other ill-defined collection areas.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections

Case study—Supporting bibliometric and research impact analysis at the University of Waterloo
In this webinar, librarians from the University of Waterloo describe how their library has worked with campus partners to develop robust offerings in bibliometrics and research impact (BRI).
Topics: Works in Progress

REALM project: Supporting the reopening of libraries, archives, and museums
Join this webinar to learn about the latest research from the REALM project and how to incorporate this information into local decision making.
Topics: Works in Progress

Providing robust research support services at Syracuse University through cross-campus partnerships
This webinar will be of interest to anyone interested in cultivating positive campus partnerships to support research activities. We expect this to be of particular interest to those that work in a research support role, as well as library leaders.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

A Discussion on Transitioning to the Next Generation of Metadata
This webinar will be of interest to professionals who work with metadata, who are “metadata adjacent,” or who have an interest in what the future of metadata may bring.
Topics: Works in Progress, Metadata

The nuts and bolts of conducting an efficient AV survey
In this webinar we will demystify the process of an AV assessment: how to get started, how to determine the essential elements, and how to retool midstream to fit your institution’s needs.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, AV Materials

A Discussion on Transitioning to the Next Generation of Metadata
This webinar will be of interest to professionals who work with metadata, who are “metadata adjacent,” or who have an interest in what the future of metadata may bring.
Topics: Works in Progress, Metadata

Stakeholder Spotlight - Campus Communications and Synergies with the Library
This webinar will be of interest to anyone interested in cultivating positive campus partnerships to support research activities. We expect this to be of particular interest to scholarly communication librarians and library leaders.
Topics: Works in Progress

Implementing a shared GIS position at Rutgers University through cross-campus collaboration
In this webinar, representatives from Rutgers University will share how the Rutgers New Brunswick Libraries has partnered with the systemwide Office of Advanced Research Computing to develop a shared GIS specialist position.
Topics: Works in Progress

Librarians on interdisciplinary research teams—a case study from the University of Miami
Learn about an innovative pilot program in which University of Miami librarians, as embedded team members, played a crucial role in interdisciplinary research projects.
Topics: Works in Progress