
The Smart Spaces Process: Co-Create and Transform with Your Community
Burlington, VT (USA)
This presentation shows how libraries can move from designing spaces and services for their community to using key strategies for collaborating with community members to co-create solutions that work. Learn from real-world examples from the participants in the Small Libraries Create Smart Spaces project who applied this community-centered design approach.
Topics: WebJunction

Where's the Instructor? Effective Design for Asynchronous Learning
Austin, TX (USA)
In this hands-on workshop, Gutsche leads participants through the basics about asynchronous learning, instructional design, and how to embed the instructor in self-paced design. In addition to the slides, download the workbook (PDF) for the workshop.
Topics: WebJunction

Hot Topic: Design Thinking (video)
Apply core concepts to library programming, strategic planning, and telling your library’s story.
Topics: WebJunction