
Research Information Management and the Role of the Library (video)
This webinar provides an overview of OCLC Research's position paper, Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library’s Role, and discusses the value proposition and role of libraries in research information management.
Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress

OCLC–euroCRIS Strategic Partnership: Survey on Research Information Management Practices
Bratislava (Slovakia)
The presentation introduces OCLC Research's exploration of the roles research libraries play in research information management through a survey conducted in conjunction with euroCRIS.
Topics: Research Information Management

Libraries and the University Research Enterprise: An International Perspective
Charleston, South Carolina (USA)
This presentation is an outcome of collaborative research by librarians practicing on three continents through the OCLC Research Library Partnership, and is part of a growing body of research information management research to support libraries, researchers, and institutions.
Topics: Research Information Management

The Interoperability Imperative for Libraries: Supporting Scholarly Services and Workflows
A mix of presentations and exercises, this event of the OCLC Research Library Partnership explored the areas of research data management and research information management and the library's evolving role in these areas institutionally.
Topics: Research Information Management

Making Sense of the Confusing World of Research Information Management
Bryant introduces research information management (RIM), the library's evolving role in RIM, and what's driving RIM activities at institutions.
Topics: Research Information Management

The Emergence of Research Information Management (RIM) within US Libraries
Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)
Bryant and colleagues introduce research information management (RIM) and the library's involvement; describe RIM adoption, institutional repository integration, and faculty engagement at Duke University; and how RIM has been implemented for faculty reviews at the University of Arizona.
Topics: Research Information Management