
RLG Committee

The RLG Committee is no longer intact. The information on this page is provided for historical purposes only

The RLG Committee was a committee of the OCLC Board of Trustees. Its overall purpose was to assist and advise the board in its understanding of the OCLC Research agenda and the potential corporate and community impact of the group's work. The RLG Committee made recommendations to the board regarding program directors, work agenda, staffing, budget, and RLG Partnership dues levels as needed. It also reflected the interests, programmatic needs, and priorities of RLG Partnership institutions as shaped and represented by the RLG Partnership Council.

Further, the RLG Committee:

  • Supported the division's intentions to become the leading venue for applied research, community building, and prototyping of systems and services in support of research and learning through libraries, archives, museums and cultural heritage institutions.
  • Accepted reports from the RLG Partnership Council in order to establish a high-level outlook for OCLC Research.
  • Provided the board with progress reports on significant projects and developments as warranted.

The committee attended the RLG Partnership annual meeting.


The RLG Committee had up to six members. For the initial (July 2006) committee, three members were appointed by and from the former RLG Board of Directors and three members were appointed by OCLC's Board of Trustees. The chair of the committee is the former chair of the RLG Board of Directors.

Beginning July 1, 2008, and for three years thereafter, no more than half of the members of the RLG Committee were appointed by the OCLC Board of Trustees and no more than half of the members were appointed by the RLG Partnership Council. There were always at least two OCLC Board of Trustees members on the committee; remaining members of the RLG Committee were not be required to be members of the OCLC Board of Trustees.

In June 2008, a new RLG Partnership Council was elected and terms commenced on 1 July, 2008. Consequently, membership in the RLG Committee was modified slightly, reflecting the changing composition of the Council.

Current members – 2008

Name Institution Appointing Body
James Neal Columbia University RLG Partnership Council
Elisabeth Niggemann Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek OCLC Board of Trustees
Carol Mandel New York University RLG Partnership Council
David Roselle Winterthur Museum & Country Estate OCLC Board of Trustees
Lizabeth Wilson, Chair University of Washington OCLC Board of Trustees
Nancy Gwinn Smithsonian Institution Libraries RLG Partnership Council

A list of previous RLG Committee members is available here.