
Mass digitization in the Google Book Search program and its possible effects on scholarship

Michael A. Keller

University Librarian and Director,
Academic Information Resources,
Stanford University
Publisher, HighWire Press
Publisher, Stanford University Press

Monday, 8 January 2007

8:30-9:00 a.m.
Coffee & Pastries

9:00-10:30 a.m.
Presentation and Q&A

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Smith Building—Board Room
6565 Kilgour Place (formerly Frantz Road)
Dublin, OH 43017-3395

This presentation is free and open to the public. (Regular attendees—please note the changed venue at OCLC.)

This presentation might be entitled "One good turn deserves another; how the Google Book Search project is benefiting everyone." It will include aspects of the status of the Google Book Search project. The benefits of mass digitization in the immediate and longer term will be described, especially with regard to possible new services and new potential for research. The caviling of certain critics of mass digitization will be addressed, as will the indirect benefits of such frivolities. All of this will reflect on the future of libraries, librarians, and library support agencies, such as OCLC.

Background information

Michael A. Keller is the Stanford University Librarian, Director of Academic Information Resources, and Publisher of the Stanford University Press and HighWire Press. He has served as Music Librarian and Senior Lecturer in Musicology at Cornell University and then in a similar capacity at UC Berkeley. He was Associate University Librarian and Director of Collection Development at Yale before joining the Stanford staff as the Ida M. Green Director of Libraries.

For many years, Keller has been actively involved in issues of scholarly publishing and communication, most notably through his founding the HighWire Press as a division of the Stanford Libraries. He has written and spoken on a wide range of topics in librarianship, musicology, information topography, and aspects of national and global information policy. He consults widely on these same topics and others including facilities, management and organization of information services, e-publishing, and forecasting trends in higher education and scholarly communications.

Michael A. Keller

Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources

HighWire Press

Stanford University Press

You are welcome to attend this presentation.

For further information, contact Karen Disbrow at or (614) 764-6073.

Distinguished Seminar Series lectures are available online as PowerPoint and MP3 files shortly after the lecture at . Additional information about the Distinguished Seminar Series can also be found there.

A printable version of this announcement is available at: (.pdf: 116K/1 p.)