
2009 RLG Partnership European Meeting Registration List

18 September, 2009
Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds

Here is a list of RLG partners and staff who registered to attend the 2009 RLG Partnership European Meeting.

Questions? Contact John MacColl.

First Name Last Name Institution
Janet Aucock University of St Andrews
Simon Baines University of Edinburgh
Alasdair Ball British Library
Chris Banks University of Aberdeen
Richard Bapty University of Glasgow
Caroline Brazier British Library
Sheila Cannell University of Edinburgh
Lynn Silipigni Connaway OCLC Research
Margaret Coutts University of Leeds
Sally Curry Research Information Network
Ricky Erway OCLC Research
Robin Green University of Warwick
Anne Jarvis Univeristy of Cambridge
John Lowery British Library
John MacColl OCLC Research
Mike Mertens Research Libraries UK (RLUK)
David Michael British Library
Bo Middleton University of Leeds
Robin Murray OCLC
William Nixon University of Glasgow
Frances Norton Wellcome Trust
Joy Palmer University of Manchester—Mimas
Merrilee Proffitt OCLC Research
Jon Purcell University of Durham
Lesley Richmond University of Glasgow
Chris Shepherd University of Leeds
Jane Smith Natural History Museum
Mandy Stewart British Library
Jan Wilkinson University of Manchester
Stella Wisdom British Library