
RLG Programs at Art Libraries Society of North America annual conference

Date & Location: April 26 -30, Atlanta, Georgia.


Friday, April 27, 3:30-5:00pm – RLG Programs Round Table

The RLG Programs Roundtable provides a forum for exposition and q & a on the emerging Programs agenda. Since the RLG/OCLC combination, RLG Programs has found its home in OCLC Programs & Research, where the community expertise of programs staff and the technological capability of research staff provides fertile ground for cutting-edge projects.

Highlights of the agenda: We talked about a project to analyze the bibliographic collections of four major NYC art museum libraries—how do their collections overlap and diverge? We discussed a project to enable better sharing of art museum descriptive records and digital images—what standards, techniques and tools can provide better access to museum collections, and who is starting to use them? We got an update on on the SHARES technical transition from Dennis Massie; he also discussed a vision of the future where SHARES is less about interlending software and more about expanding the kinds of collaborative activities that bring SHARES partners together.

And as if that weren't enough, for those of you who wanted to hear about the integration of RLG databases into the OCLC environment, Glenn Patton (Director of WorldCat Quality Management) presented on progress migrating the RLG Union Catalog and SCIPIO. The traditional round-robin wrapup capped the meeting.

Günter Waibel, RLG Programs, OCLC
Dennis Massie, RLG Programs, OCLC
Glenn Patton, OCLC
Ken Soehner, Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Patricia Barnett, Frick Art Reference Library
Allen Townsend, Amon Carter Museum Library
Amy Lucker, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU

Also of note:

Friday April 27, 9-10:30am – Günter Waibel co-moderated “Content Creators and their Colleagues – Facilitating Access to Digital Content in Libraries and Museums”

Saturday April 28, 3:30-5:00pm – ILL Discussion Group (Chaired by Jon Evans, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Dennis Massie and Glen Patton attended)

Sunday April 29, 7:30-9am – ContentDM Users Group (Chaired by Claire Cocco, OCLC)

Sunday April 29, 9-10:30am – Günter Waibel spoke on the panel “The Evolving Data Standards Landscape: Leading the Way to Integrated Access - How new data standards tools can help rovide better access to diverse collections of cultural objects and images”

Sunday April 29, 3:30-5:00pm – SCIPIO Users Group (Chaired by Deborah Kempe, Frick Art Reference Library; Günter Waibel, Glen Patton and Ed Glazier attended)