
Please note: This experimental research project has concluded.
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Systematize Aggregation and Analysis Techniques Project


An important aspect of the work in the Management Intelligence Program will be to identify and pursue opportunities to change library practice and improve existing services and processes. We would like to conduct analyses of general interest that can help evaluate and improve a wide range of library practices, or that can be generalized into "routine" analyses applicable in a variety of contexts. In particular, we would like to converge on sets of "standard" questions we would want to ask of the data in a variety of scenarios. These questions can then be systemized into "off the shelf" analyses and reports available through OCLC services, such as the WorldCat Collection Analysis Service.

In this project, we will extend our understanding of how best to systematize our aggregation and analysis techniques through an ongoing conversation within the RLG Partnership and the OCLC enterprise.

For more information:

Brian Lavoie
Consulting Research Scientist


Lynn Silipigni Connaway
Consulting Research Scientist