
FRBR Workshop

    Program and proceedings

Program and proceedings

All sessions will take place in OCLC's Kilgour Building.

Monday, May 2

9:00–9:15 Opening, by Patrick Le Bœuf, Chair, IFLA FRBR Review Group

Session A:

Aggregates in FRBR

Moderator: Ed O'Neill, OCLC
  1. Collections/Composites (works of the same 'kind': collected works, selected works, anthologies, series, music CDs, trilogies etc.)
  2. augmentations (works of different 'kinds': text with illustrations, foreword, notes; libretto and music; choreography and music...)
  3. continuing resources (serials, web sites, and other continuously updated resources)

Keynote Speakers; Questions and Answers

"Relational Models for Aggregates", by Ed O'Neill, OCLC
Presentation (PPT: 14.1 MB/31 slides)

"Modeling augmentations", by Maja Žumer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Presentation (PPT: 133 KB/16 slides)

"Modeling continuing resources in FRBR", by Judith A. Kuhagen, Library of Congress
Presentation (PPT: 174 KB/26 slides)

"Modeling web resources", by Carol van Nuys, The Norwegian Archive, and Ketil Albertsen, independent consultant
Presentation (PPT: 38 KB/8 slides)

10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Working Session: FRBR Reviewing
12:30-14:00 Lunch - Kilgour Cafeteria

Session B:

Review of FRBR and relationships in FRBR

Moderator: Maja Žumer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  1. review of attributes of group 1 entities
  2. (practical) definition of expression
  3. definition of manifestation
  4. relationships

Keynote Speakers; Questions and Answers

"FRBR: challenges for implementation in AACR2, with some attention to non-book materials", by Allyson Carlyle, University of Washington's Information School
Presentation (PPT: 114 KB/27 slides)

"Relationships in FRBR", by Barbara Tillett, Library of Congress
Presentation (PPT: 424 KB/39 slides)

"Some outcomes of the CRM/FRBR harmonization: the definition of manifestation and a review of attributes", by Maja Žumer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Presentation (PPT: 120 KB/16 slides)

15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Working Session: FRBR Reviewing
17:30-20:00 Social Hour and Dinner - Kilgour Cafeteria

Tuesday, May 3

Session C:

FRANAR/FRAR state-of-the-art and consequences for implementation and Subject access in FRBR

Moderator: Gerhard Riesthuis, University of Amsterdam
  2. Subject access

Keynote Speakers; Questions and Answers

"FRAR: Extending FRBR Concepts to Authority Data", by Glenn Patton, OCLC
Presentation (PPT: 217 KB/23 slides)

"Toward an international sharing and use of subject authority data", by Marcia Lei Zeng and Athena Salaba, Kent State University
Presentation (PPT: 1.37 MB/39 slides)

"Subjects in fiction: the experience with WorldCat" (provisional title), by Diane Vizine Goetz, OCLC
Presentation (PPT: 781 KB/24 slides)

"Precoordination in subject indexing systems and FRBR model", by Maria Nasiłowska, Warsaw University Library
Presentation (PPT: 185 KB/25 slides)

10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Working Session: FRBR Reviewing
12:30-14:00 Lunch - Kilgour Cafeteria

Session D:

Implementation of FRBR

Moderator: Carol van Nuys, ABM-Utvikling
  1. formats
  2. identifiers
  3. exchange of records

Keynote Speakers; Questions and Answers

"Formats and FRBR Catalogues – Where's our focus?", by Trond Aalberg, NTNU
Presentation (PPT: 226 KB/25 slides)

"What Do We Want to Identify? - FRBR and Identifier Semantics", by Ketil Albertsen, independent consultant
Presentation (PPT: 88 KB/39 slides)

"Identifying 'textual works': ISTC: controversy and potential", by Patrick Le Bœuf, National Library of France
Presentation (PPT: 227 KB/16 slides)

"Exchanging FRBR Information", by Thomas B. Hickey, OCLC
Presentation (PPT: 587 KB/14 slides)

15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Working Session: FRBR Reviewing
17:30-20:00 Social Hour and Dinner - Kilgour Cafeteria

Wednesday, May 4

9:00-9:15 Welcome, Jay Jordan, President and CEO, OCLC

Session E:

Interaction with the library community and beyond

Moderator: Patrick Le Bœuf, National Library of France
  1. development of new cataloguing rules
  2. international developments: IME ICC, ISBDs revisions
  3. cooperation with archives and museums
  4. Semantic Web development
  5. rights management

Keynote Speakers; Questions and Answers

"FRBR and Cataloging Rules: Impact on IFLA's Statement of Principles and AACR3", by Barbara Tillett, Library of Congress
Presentation (PPT: 862 KB/49 slides)

"FRBR and Digital Library Infrastructure for Museums, Archives and Libraries", by Dolores Iorizzo, The Imperial College

"Convergence is the goal: Activity report of the IFLA FRBR/CIDOC CRM Harmonization Group", by Patrick Le Bœuf, National Library of France
Presentation (PPT: 782 KB/23 slides)

"Ontologyx", by Godfrey Rust, Ontologyx
Presentation (PPT: 460 KB/57 slides)

10:30-10:45 Break

Working Session: Towards a first draft of Revised FRBR

Conclusions from the Workshop