WorldCat Discovery resources
Download the WorldCat Discovery content flyer
Download the flyer (US Letter)
Download the flyer (A4)
Watch video tutorials on WorldCat Discovery search and interface features, as well as service configurations for content, staff, and patron-facing features.
Learn how to use advanced search strategies and filter results to optimize your search results in WorldCat Discovery.
Visit the WorldCat Discovery support page for additional documentation, instructor-led courses, and tutorials.
APIs in the WorldCat Discovery Premium API package leverage popular WorldCat Discovery features to customize, enrich, and extend your discovery services. They have been intentionally designed to maximize accessibility and can be used out-of-the-box. They use OAuth 2.0 for optimal testing and security, and all functionality and naming align with the WorldCat Discovery user interface.
The WorldCat Discovery Premium API package includes:
- WorldCat Discovery API—Surface WorldCat and WorldCat Discovery central index data in searches, with search functionality such as filtering, browsing, and facets.
- New Titles API—Display recent acquisitions cataloged in WorldCat on library websites and other places online.
- Citation API—Automate citation creation in applications via use of OCLC and ISBN values.
- Suggestions API—Automatically suggest alternate and preferred vocabulary and search terms in end user searches.
- Access Options API—Embed options for obtaining needed items, like e-resources and open access materials, in search results.
- Library Profiles API—Surface library profile information to help end users obtain resources they discover through searches.
- Lists API (coming soon)—Create/delete, manage, view, use, and share lists of library materials to support use cases like class reading lists.
Current WMS and WorldCat Discovery Premium subscribers can login with their WorldShare credentials to obtain a new WSKey.
General information about WorldCat Discovery
Managing a WorldCat Discovery account
Using WorldCat Discovery
WorldCat Discovery content
WorldCat Discovery subscriptions
Getting started with WorldCat Discovery

Five different versions of 8.5" x 11" posters that you can print or customize with your library's name and unique WorldCat Discovery URL. Hang all around your campus, community, school or organization.

Everyone needs a bookmark. Print and then cut the bookmarks apart along the dotted lines.
Email headers
Promote your new search functionality via email with a snappy image header. All image headers are 600px wide and 300px tall.
300 x 250 banner ads
Promote your library's use of WorldCat Discovery on your website with a banner ad. These banners are 300px wide and 250px tall.
728 x 90 leaderboard banner ads
Promote WorldCat Discovery on your website with a leaderboard banner ad. These banners are 728px wide and 90px tall.
Order pre-printed materials
To order pre-printed generic materials, complete the request form to let us know which items you want and where to ship them.
WorldCat Discovery helps people easily find and get resources available at your library and in libraries worldwide through a single search of WorldCat and familiar, authoritative e-content collections. It also connects users to your collections via popular websites where people typically start their research.
Service availability
Available everywhere (features differ by locale)
Learn more
Download the WorldCat Discovery brochure
Download the brochure (US Letter)
Download the brochure (A4)
Upcoming events
Watch this space for more upcoming webinars
On-demand webinars
Check here for WorldCat Discovery events.