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Create, manage, and download high-quality bibliographic and authority records.

Two librarians using computer

Streamline original and copy cataloging to share with OCLC member libraries

Connexion lets you create and edit high-quality bibliographic and authority records and then share them with the entire OCLC cooperative, which benefits libraries around the world. Connexion is a robust set of tools and services backed by OCLC's 40+ years of cataloging experience. Its advanced features provide unparalleled flexibility for libraries and other allied institutions.

Learn more about Connexion

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Get users the content they need with up-to-date holdings

Accurate holdings information maintained with Connexion helps Web searchers everywhere find your collections through your discovery interface and OCLC's consumer service partners. Additionally, accurate holdings help you to analyze your collection, compare it to others using Choreo Insights and help thousands of libraries share materials through the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan network.

Connexion is a full-service cataloging tool backed by OCLC's 40+ years of cataloging experience. Connexion lets you create and edit high-quality bibliographic and authority records and then share them with the entire OCLC cooperative, which benefits libraries around the world.

Service availability

  • Available everywhere except Germany and the Netherlands

Learn more

Join OCLC-CAT, a listserv discussion of all OCLC cataloging services. Or browse the archives.

Join OCLC-CJK, a listserv discussion of OCLC Chinese, Japanese and Korean functionality. Or browse the archives.

A detailed comparison chart is available to help you compare functionality in all cataloging interfaces, point by point.

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