
Stay connected with your community

Are you a member of the OCLC Community Center?

Screenshot: OCLC Community Center

Thousands of library staff connect in the Community Center to ask and answer questions, share experiences, and contribute ideas. It’s the best place for current OCLC customers to keep up to date, make suggestions, and learn from colleagues and OCLC experts. It’s also where questions related to services are more likely to be reviewed, responded to, and addressed quickly by the most qualified members of specific communities.

You can use your existing OCLC credentials to access the product communities that correspond with your institution's subscriptions. For more information about credentials and how to sign-in to the Community Center, review Sign in to the OCLC Community Center.

Manage your OCLC listserv subscriptions

If you do want to subscribe to any OCLC listservs, please use the information below to join via email. By subscribing, you will be included in email distributions to the list(s) you select. These lists act as a public forum and as a means for us to provide updates, which may include marketing materials. OCLC cannot guarantee that third-party participants will not send their own marketing materials to the list, and OCLC is not responsible for such materials.

A discussion forum for both OCLC-hosted and self-hosted EZproxy users.

A listserv discussion of all Faceted Controlled Vocabularies.

A discussion forum for all topics related to resource sharing among libraries.

Forum for the dissemination of information and the discussion of topics of interest to music library professionals.

Australian, New Zealand and APAC mailing list for regional news, announcements, and moderated discussion, including announcements on local user groups and changes to support hours.

Ask questions, share information, pass along advice, and exchange ideas among OCLC Canada libraries.

Discussion forum for library staff using or considering any OCLC cataloging and metadata services.

OCLC CJK Users Group discussion list.

FirstSearch announcements, information, and documentation.

Discussion list for OCLC ILL Cost Calculator users and prospective users.

Announcements, changes and enhancements to OCLC resource sharing services.

Forum for he dissemination of information and the discussion of topics of interest to catalogers of AV, nonprint, and electronic materials.

Over 9,000 public librarians from around the world with whom to share your successes, questions and problems.

Discussion forum for all topics related to the SCIPIO Art & Rare Book Sales Catalogues database.

In addition to these listservs, we provide e-newsletters, blogs, and updates.  If you wish to change those preferences or subscriptions, you may do so here.

How to subscribe to or unsubscribe from an OCLC listserv

To subscribe to a listserv

  1. Send an email to OCLC's listserv system:  listserv@OCLClists.org
  2. Leave the subject line blank.
  3. In the message body, type "subscribe", listname, first name, and last name, all separated by spaces.
  4. Please ensure that there is no other text within your body copy. This may include removing your signature line if you have one.


To:  listserv@OCLClists.org

Subject:  [blank] 

Body:  subscribe OCLC-CAT John  Smith

To unsubscribe from a listserv

  1. Send an email to OCLC's listserv system:  listserv@OCLClists.org
  2. Leave the subject line blank.
  3. In the message body, type "unsubscribe" and listname separated by a space.
  4. Please ensure that there is no other text within your body copy. This may include removing your signature line if you have one.


To:  listserv@OCLClists.org

Subject:  [blank] 

Body:  unsubscribe OCLC-CAT

Please note: You can also update your listserv contact information by first unsubscribing your old email address and then re-subscribing your new email address.

To unsubscribe from all OCLC marketing email communications

To unsubscribe from all OCLC marketing email communications (including, but not limited to: OCLC event notifications, product/service/cooperative updates, and newsletters), please email us at unsubscribe@oclc.org.