Utilisation des données liées dans les bibliothèques : de la désillusion à la productivité
By Andrew Pace
OCLC has been researching the use of linked data within libraries for more than a decade. It is sometimes difficult to know exactly where the value of linked data lies and what benefits we can derive from it. It is wise, therefore, to consider their usefulness from the point of view of library staff. What does "linked data productivity" mean? What would cataloging linked data change for library staff and end users? This article responds to these questions and provides some perspective on the linked data landscape for libraries.
Suggested citation:
Pace, Andrew K. 2020. "Utilisation des données liées dans les bibliothèques : de la désillusion à la productivité." Archimag (Bibliothèque Édition) 09 July 2020. https://www.archimag.com/bibliotheque-edition/2020/07/09/utilisation-donnees-bibliotheques-desillusion-productivite-oclc. (French)