2011 OCLC Research Publications List
The Top 25 US Public Libraries' Collective Collection, as Represented in WorldCat
15 November 2011
Brian Lavoie
Visitors and Residents: What Motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment?
12 October 2011
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, David White, Donna Lanclos
If We Build It, Will They Come? Recommendations and WorldCat
1 October 2011
Simon Wakeling, Paul Clough, Barbara Sen, Lynn Silipigni Connaway
On Virtual Face-work: An Ethnography of Communication Approach to a Live Chat Reference Interaction
1 October 2011
Marie L. Radford, Gary P. Radford, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Jocelyn A. DeAngelis
Publisher Names in Bibliographic Data: An Experimental Authority File and a Prototype Application
1 October 2011
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Timothy J. Dickey
Something's Got to Give: What Can We Stop Doing in a Time of Reduced Resources
1 October 2011
Merrilee Proffitt
Taking Stock and Making Hay: Archival Collections Assessment
26 September 2011
Martha O'Hara Conway, Merrilee Proffitt
This report identifies projects and methodologies that can be used as-is or serve as models for librarians, archivists and others who are considering collections assessment to meet one or several institutional needs. The goal of the report is to encourage a community of practice and to make it easier for institutions of all types to undertake collections assessment.
OhioLINK-OCLC Collection and Circulation Analysis Project 2011
21 September 2011