October 2010
Taking Our Pulse: The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives
by: Jackie M. Dooley and Katherine Luce
Executive Summary
Special collections and archives are increasingly seen as elements of distinction that serve to differentiate an academic or research library from its peers. In recognition of this, the Association of Research Libraries conducted a survey in 1998 (reported in Panitch 2001) that was transformative and led directly to many high-profile initiatives to "expose hidden collections."
As this OCLC Research report reveals, however, much rare and unique material remains undiscoverable, and monetary resources are shrinking at the same time that user demand is growing. The balance sheet is both encouraging and sobering:
- The size of ARL collections has grown dramatically, up to 300% for some formats
- Use of all types of material has increased across the board
- Half of archival collections have no online presence
- While many backlogs have decreased, almost as many continue to grow
- User demand for digitized collections remains insatiable
- Management of born-digital archival materials is still in its infancy
- Staffing is generally stable, but has grown for digital services
- 75% of general library budgets have been reduced
- The current tough economy renders “business as usual” impossible
The top three “most challenging issues” in managing special collections were space (105 respondents), born-digital materials, and digitization.
We updated ARL’s survey instrument and extended the subject population to encompass the 275 libraries in the following five overlapping membership organizations:
- Association of Research Libraries (124 universities and others)
- Canadian Academic and Research Libraries (30 universities and others)
- Independent Research Libraries Association (19 private research libraries)
- Oberlin Group (80 liberal arts colleges)
- RLG Partnership, U.S. and Canadian members (85 research institutions)
The rate of response was 61% (169 responses).

- ISBN: 1-55653-387-X (978-1-55653-387-7)
- OCLC (WorldCat): 651793026
- DOI: 10.25333/gj2r-8172
Suggested Citation:
Jackie M. Dooley and Katherine Luce. 2010. Taking Our Pulse: The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives. Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. https://doi.org/10.25333/gj2r-8172.