OCLC Research Update ALA Annual 2021
This session previews work in progress and highlights recent findings, tools, and information resources produced by OCLC Research to help library staff and decision makers navigate destabilized ecosystems and influence positive change in libraries and librarianship. The session will include "lightning talks" on (1) the near-term impact of our Access to Civil Legal Justice training program; (2) our upcoming convening with a diverse array of community stakeholders to discuss how to address systemic biases and improve racial equity in descriptive practices, tools, infrastructure and workflows; and (3) our approach to developing a suite of on-demand courses on the digital stewardship lifecycle for small rural public and tribal libraries. These projects all involve activities to understand emerging needs and contexts, convene library stakeholders to synthesize diverse perspectives and ideas, and share information and resources broadly with library leaders, staff, and researchers.
View OCLC Research Citations - ALA Annual 2021 (pdf)
23 June 2021
Presented at:
ALA Annual