2017 OCLC Research Presentations List

On Shapes and Sizes: Measuring Diversity of Technological Engagement Through Digital Visitors and Residents Maps
Washington, D.C. (USA)
User Studies researchers share findings from the Digital Visitors and Residents project, including how students and faculty engage with technology and library resources online and in person.
Topics: Digital Visitors and Residents, User Research

Digital Literacy in the Era of Fake News: Key Roles for Information Professionals
Washington, D.C. (USA)
In this presentation, Silipigni Connaway describes how people determine whether an online information source is credible and how libraries can play a role in ensuring patrons are accessing trustworthy sources.
Topics: Information Literacy, User Research

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort
Columbus, Ohio (USA)
This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort
Wrocław (Poland)
This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Capturing the Behaviors of the Elusive User: Strategies for Library Ethnography
Wrocław (Poland)
Lynn Silipigni Connaway covers ethnographic data collection tools and methods, drawing from the digital visitors and residents research she and her team have conducted.
Topics: User Research

New Data, Same Skills: Applying Core Principles to New Needs in Data Curation
Warsaw (Poland)
In this presentation, Silipigni Connaway describes how core roles of data curation can be applied to new areas librarianship in research data management.
Topics: Research Data Management

Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
An OCLC Research team shares their work on exploring how academic libraries demonstrate alignment with and impact on institutional outcomes.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: Findings from an Action-oriented Research Agenda
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Learn about a project initiated by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and led by OCLC Research to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success, create a research agenda, and more.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

"Is it a journal title, or what?" Mitigating Microaggressions in Virtual Reference
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Learn how researchers explored how microaggressions can occur in virtual reference and how librarians can mitigate microaggressions in their practice.
Topics: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Information Literacy

Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries in Times of Uncertainty: A Research Agenda for Student Learning and Success
Macau (China)
Learn about research done in partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries in Times of Uncertainty: A Research Agenda for Student Learning and Success
Hong Kong (China)
In this presentation, Lynn Silipigni Connaway shares research done in partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Research Methods in Library and Information Science: Trends and Tips for Researchers, Students, & Professionals
Hong Kong (China)
Lynn Silipigni Connaway provides a deep dive into research methods over time including mixed methods research, assessment, ethnographic research, text mining, and more.
Topics: Research Methods

Qualitative Research Methods in LIS
In this presentation, Silipigni Connaway introduces qualitative research in libraries and covers several areas data collection tools and methods.
Topics: Research Methods

Changing Tack: A Future-Focused ACRL Research Agenda
Learn about research done in partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Where are we Going and What do we do Next? Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries in Times of Uncertainty
London, England (United Kingdom)
Silipigni Connaway details research done in partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Visitors and Residents Interactive Mapping Exercise Workshop
Dublin, Ohio (USA)
Find out how you can map your use of technology for work and study to see where you land on the visitors and residents grid.
Topics: Digital Visitors and Residents

The Library in the Life of the User
Dublin, Ohio (USA)
In this presentation, Lynn Silipigni Connaway provides an overview of OCLC Research's user behavior research findings that articulate the need for the design of future library services to be all about the user.
Topics: User Research

Action-oriented Research Agenda on Library Contributions to Student Learning and Success
Lynn Silipigni Connaway shares the methods and recommendations from research done in partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas