
Evolution of the Working Environment: Visions of a New Model Library
The pandemic provided an opportunity to reimagine the working environment as we embraced flexible and remote working. How much has the work environment really evolved since the pandemic? And how sustainable is this evolution? What has been the impact on recruitment and retention in this evolving landscape? This session heard from international partners about the realities of changing working environments and practices at their institutions and considered what lessons we can learn from their experiences.
Topics: New Model Library
Pandemic Effects and Library Directions
In this session, OCLC Research staff summarised findings from interviews with 29 library leaders from 11 countries conducted during the height of the pandemic, the themes of which were synthesized in the briefing, The New Model Library: Pandemic Effects and Library Directions.
Topics: New Model Library
Envisioning a New Model Library
Library leaders had to make quick, robust changes to their library workflows, community offerings, and staffing in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us for a 60-minute webinar to hear about how library practices have evolved during the pandemic and how their adaptations fit into new models of library operation.
Topics: New Model Library
Visions of Transformation for a New Model Library
During this presentation, Ixchel Faniel shares findings from an OCLC Research project that looked into the future with twenty-nine global leaders from public, two-year, four-year, and research libraries. As these leaders reflected on their responses during the COVID-19 pandemic, they discussed the changes they want to take into the future.
Topics: New Model Library, Open Access, Library Consortia, Institutional Organization

Open for All, Reusable for Whom?: A Review of What Data Reusers Want and How Data Repositories Can Deliver
Drawing from data reuse studies, we create a feature set to assess how data repositories are meeting data reuse needs. We use our findings to showcase desirable features in use to prototype the design of a reuser-oriented data repository that developers can use to improve their data repository interface.
Topics: Open Access, Research Data Management
Open for all. Reusable for whom? A review of what data reusers want and how data repositories can deliver
Presenters review past studies of data reusers, specifically a qualitative study of 105 researchers from three disciplinary communities: quantitative social science, archaeology, and zoology.
Topics: Research Data Management

What's Format Got to Do with It? The Role Information Formats Play in Evaluating Search Results.
This webinar presents research on the role information formats play in student evaluation of search results and identifies practical applications for libraries of all types.
Topics: User Research, Student Support, Information Literacy

What researchers need when deciding whether to reuse data: Experiences from three disciplines
When researchers are deciding whether to reuse data, they need information about data’s context of production from a variety of sources such that data’s quality can be evaluated. This panel presentation compares the different types of context, sources, and data quality attributes quantitative social scientists, zoologists, and archaeologists mentioned needing during interviews and observations about their data reuse.
Topics: Research Data Management, User Research

Archaeological data practices and the implications for successful data sharing and reuse
In this keynote presentation, Ixchel M. Faniel discusses findings from several studies examining archaeological data practices and needs and the implications for successful data sharing and reuse.
Keynote recording available from SEADDA.
Topics: User Research, Research Data Management, SLO-Data

Identifying Opportunities for Collective Curation During Archaeological Excavations
Dublin, Ireland
Archaeological excavations are comprised of interdisciplinary teams that create, manage, and share data as they unearth and analyze material culture. These team-based settings are ripe for collective curation, particularly among the excavation teams responsible for unearthing the materials and the specialists responsible for analysing them. Yet, findings from a study of four excavation sites show specialist data tend to remain unlinked and decontextualized from excavation data. This presentation highlights findings from the study, opportunities identified for collective curation, and responses from the four excavation projects.
Topics: Research Data Management, User Research, SLO-Data