The Effects of the Shift to Open on Research Libraries
Gdańsk, Poland
Last year, OCLC surveyed libraries from 82 countries around the world on their open content efforts, investments, and opinions. The majority (72% of 705 respondents) were from research and university libraries. In this session, Titia presents data from the majority group through the lens of Lorcan Dempsey’s collection directions and contextualizes the findings within the broader trend toward more openness. She also shares questions raised by the findings and suggests areas for further exploration.
Topics: Open Access, Collective Collections
Operationalizing the Collective Collection: A Case Study of Consolidation vs Autonomy
Minneapolis, MN (USA)
Dempsey presents a case study describing the benefits of consolidating collective collections and provides recommendations for managing, building, and coordinating a system-wide library.
Topics: Collective Collections
The Limits to Growth: An Introduction
Baltimore, MD (USA)
While colleagues in the circulating library have developed sophisticated collective collection strategies as an alternative to building comprehensive collections, the growth imperative has gone relatively unexamined in special collections. This panel explores our responsibilities related to resource allocation and collection growth in the age of climate change, and imagine what it might look like to alter our growth patterns.
Topics: Collective Collections