
OCLC Research at ARLIS

31 March 2012
Conference Room B/C
Sheraton Centre
Toronto, Ontario

Program Officer Dennis Massie hosted this annual OCLC Research Library Partnership Roundtable on Saturday, 31 March 2012 from 12:30-1:30 pm at the 40th annual conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America ( ARLIS) in Toronto. The theme of the 2012 ARLIS meeting was "Colouring outside the Lines"—a metaphor for creative thinking.

This annual Partnership Roundtable at ARLIS was an opportunity for staff at OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions to come together with OCLC Research staff to share news, discuss our collective future, and collaborate an activities that will help take us there. With input from Partners, OCLC Research has staked out the most pressing issues facing the library community in areas such as metadata management, collaborating around legacy print collections, mobilizing unique materials, developing distinctive services in support of researchers, and modeling new service infrastructures. Attendees heard about the latest developments in areas of particular impact to art libraries.

OCLC Research Library Partners determined the agenda through a survey, but all ARLIS conference goers were welcome to attend.

Saturday, 31 March

Time Meeting
12:30-1:30 p.m.

OCLC Research Library Partnership Roundtable
Dennis Massie, Program Officer, OCLC Research

Location: Conference Room B/C, Sheraton Centre

Contact Dennis Massie for more information.