
OCLC Research at ALA Annual

25-27 June 2011
New Orleans, LA


Below is a list of meetings at ALA Annual in New Orleans, LA, at which OCLC Research staff attended, gave presentations and met with OCLC Research Library Partners to discuss updates about current work underway and other updates related to the OCLC Research Library Partnership.

Saturday, 25 June

Time Meeting

10:30 a.m.–noon. 

RDA Update Forum—On Beyond Zebra: Taking RDA Beyond MARC
The Dr. Seuss book, On Beyond Zebra, unveils the alphabet that starts after Z. This panel highlighted experiences and ongoing discoveries of those who are going "on beyond zebra"—bravely defining new RDA frontiers, exploring further afield than MARC and discovering RDA-related developments in the interesting worlds of Dublin Core, linked data, ONIX, and beyond.

Presenters included:

  • Glenn Patton, Director of WorldCat Quality Management, OCLC, presented "Mapping to MARC and Beyond" on behalf of OCLC Research Scientist Jean Godby.
  • Gordon Dunshire, Depute Director, Centre for Digital Library Research, University of Strathclyde
  • Jane Greenberg, Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Jennifer Bowen, Co-Executive Director, eXtensible Catalog Project, University of Rochester Libraries
  • Jenn Riley, Metadata Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Location: Morial Convention Center, Rooms 393-394

Contact: Jean Godby, Research Scientist, OCLC Research

4:00–5:30 p.m. 

SHARES Roundtable/Practitioners Meeting
This meeting agenda included:

  • an update on the OCLC Research Library Partnership, which launches July 1
  • a discussion of potential topics for the new SHARES Best Practices Working Group—bring your favorite pet peeve (or is that an oxymoron?)
  • a progress report from the "Streamlining Work Flows" subgroup of the Sharing Special Collections Advisory Group, which is close to completing its work
  • a continuation of our conversation from ALA Midwinter about model language for electronic journal licenses regarding ILL, plus a report on the apparent racheting-up of tension between libraries and STM publishers over international ILL
  • round-robin reporting by attendees about what interesting things they're up to back at their home institutions

Location: Hilton Riverside, Eglington/Winton Room

Host: Dennis Massie, Program Officer, OCLC Research

Monday, 27 June

Time Meeting

8:00–10:00 a.m.

OCLC Research Library Partnership Systems Meeting
This meeting covered issues of interest to systems librarians of OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions, including OCLC services of particular importance to this group. Any and all systems staff were welcome to attend.

Location: Hilton Riverside, OCLC Red Suite

Host: Roy Tennant, Senior Program Offier, OCLC Research