
RLG Programs 2008 Annual Partners Meeting Agenda

June 2-4, 2008

Day 1
Monday, June 2
Venue: Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Center City

1800 Market Street
Time Event
9:00 a.m.

Registration/Continental Breakfast

Location: Second Floor Foyer


Welcome and Keynote Address
The Importance of Fostering Community-based Creativity: What Roles Can Cultural Heritage Institutions Play?
(.mp3: 21.73MB/1 hr. 3 min.)

Dale Dougherty, editor and publisher of Make magazine, and general manager of the Maker Media division of O’Reilly Media, kicked off two days of creative thinking as we re-imagined our future together. Make magazine creates community, which brings people together around things and technology. People are driven to join communities to make their passions real. People want to learn and share together; to interact creatively and with zeal.

Dougherty's talk drew an analogy between the types of communities that Make builds, and the types of communities that libraries, archives and museums foster. How can libraries and other memory organizations reorient themselves to the creative and community aspects of scholarship? How can we think both creatively and as a community while looking for new solutions to new and old problems? Can we capitalize on a renewed interest in local, providing meeting places to get together and interact?

Location: Second Floor, Liberty Ballroom C




The RLG Partnership—the Context and an Assessment of Research Libraries at Risk
Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Programs and Research

James Michalko, Vice President, RLG Programs

Location: Second Floor, Liberty Ballroom C

12:30 p.m.

Buffet Lunch—Continuing the Conversation
Program Council Members and Program Officers led discussions over lunch in response to morning sessions.

Location: Second Floor, Liberty Ballrooms A & B


RLG Programs Work Agenda and Partners (.pdf: 196K/5 pp.)

Thematic liaisons gave presentations on major thematic areas of the work agenda. What's at risk if we don't do anything? What's the reward if we are able to take action effectively? Each presentation concluded with a challenge to the group.

  • The Future of Collections
    RLG Program Council presenter: Nancy Eaton, Dean, University Libraries & Scholarly Communications, Pennsylvania State University
    RLG Programs partner staff/responder: Stephen Bosch, Materials Budget Procurement and Licensing Librarian, University of Arizona
  • Modeling New Service Infrastructures
    RLG Program Council presenter: Jim Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian, Columbia University
    RLG Programs partner staff/responder: Karyle Butcher, University Librarian, Oregon State University
  • Supporting New Modes of Scholarship
    RLG Programs partner presenter: Carla Stoffle, Dean, University of Arizona
    RLG Programs partner staff/responder: Ross Coleman, Director, Sydney eScholarship, University of Sydney – Amplification Call to Action (.pdf: 144K/5 pp.)
  • Renovating Description and Practice
    RLG Program Council presenter: Carol Mandel, Dean, Division of Libraries, New York University
    RLG Programs partner staff/responder: Robert Wolven, Associate University Librarian for Bibliographic Services and Collection Development, Columbia University
Location: Second Floor, Liberty Ballroom C



Choose Your Team and Theme
All attendees were asked to choose a thematic area that was of personal interest and into which they were willing to put attention and effort over the coming year. Teams met in breakout rooms and set expectations for the planning group meetings that were held on Tuesday.

  • The Future of Collections
    RLG Programs team leaders: Dennis Massie and Constance Malpas
    OCLC Programs and Research staff: Eric Childress and Nancy Elkington
  • Modeling New Service Infrastructures
    RLG Programs team leader: Roy Tennant
    OCLC Programs and Research staff: Merrilee Proffitt, Diane Vizine-Goetz, Janifer Gatenby and Bruce Washburn
  • Supporting New Modes of Scholarship
    RLG Programs team leaders: Ricky Erway and Jim Michalko
    OCLC Programs and Research staff: Jean Godby and Gunter Waibel
  • Renovating Description and Practice
    RLG Programs team leader: Karen Smith-Yoshimura
    OCLC Programs and Research staff: Jennifer Schaffner and Ed O'Neill

Location: Liberty Ballrooms A & B, Independence Ballrooms A & B



Location: Second Floor Foyer

Day 2
Tuesday, June 3
Venue: Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Center City

1800 Market Street
Time Event
9:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast and Late Registration

Location: Second Floor Foyer


RLG Program Partners: Creating the Future
Staff from OCLC Programs and Research led the following discussions and planning groups. Presentations from RLG Programs staff and partners showcased work that has been done in these areas. RLG Partners gave short (20 minute) presentations on work underway at their institutions, which reflected the larger issues. RLG Program Officers reported on work underway, as well as work that has concluded. RLG Council Liaisons and Program Officers facilitated discussions.

Location: Liberty Ballrooms A & B, Independence Ballrooms A & B


Box Lunch
Participants continued in their discussion and planning groups.

Location: Liberty Ballroom C

1:00 p.m.

Return to Morning Discussion and Planning Groups
Discussions, moderated by Program Officers, included what current work agenda programs and projects dovetail well with work underway at particular institutions, as well as ways to amplify value to partner institutions through collaborative action. Institutions were asked to step up to the challenge and commit to assisting with high priority work items.

Location: Liberty Ballrooms A & B, Independence Ballrooms A & B




Last Steps
Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Programs and Research
Jim Michalko, Vice President, RLG Programs
Gary Strong, Chair, RLG Program Council

  • Staff leaders of the four breakout sessions gave brief reports on their discussion sessions. Gary Strong wrapped up the meeting by congratulating participants and encouraging partners to continue to take leadership on the work agenda.
Location: Second Floor, Liberty Ballroom C



Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building, Fairmount and Pennsylvania Avenues