
RLG-OCLC Transition Forum at the CEAL Annual Meeting

Friday, March 23, 2007. At the annual meeting of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), all CEAL participants were invited to attend the RLG-OCLC Transition Forum. The afternoon forum was hosted by the Harvard-Yenching Library in Cambridge, MA.


Scope of the RLG Programs unit within the new OCLC Programs and Research Division

Background: RLG Programs Mission and Agenda

Transition of RLG services to OCLC

  • Integrating the RLG Union Catalog into WorldCat
  • Introducing "Institution Records" into WorldCat
  • Migrating RLIN21 Client users to Connexion

Discussion: Questions about integrating the RLG Union Catalog into WorldCat and migrating RLIN21 use to Connexion!


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