
Collective Collection

A Collective Collection refers to the shared resources of multiple libraries, archives, and museums. Collective Collections can be leveraged to benefit all institutional stakeholders, including researchers, scholars, students, and patrons.

OCLC Research’s Collective Collection work provides evidence and insight to support decision-making into how cultural heritage institutions organize shared collections and services. Through this work, OCLC Research is helping to create a more connected, collaborative landscape for libraries, archives, and museums, with the goal of making collections more accessible, impactful, and cost-efficient.


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The Effects of the Shift to Open on Research Libraries

The Effects of the Shift to Open on Research Libraries

By Titia van der Werf

Gdańsk, Poland

Last year, OCLC surveyed libraries from 82 countries around the world on their open content efforts, investments, and opinions. The majority (72% of 705 respondents) were from research and university libraries. In this session, Titia presents data from the majority group through the lens of Lorcan Dempsey’s collection directions and contextualizes the findings within the broader trend toward more openness. She also shares questions raised by the findings and suggests areas for further exploration.

Topics: Open Access, Collective Collections

The Limits to Growth: an Introduction

The Limits to Growth: An Introduction

By Chela Scott Weber

RBMS 2019
Baltimore, MD (USA)

While colleagues in the circulating library have developed sophisticated collective collection strategies as an alternative to building comprehensive collections, the growth imperative has gone relatively unexamined in special collections. This panel explores our responsibilities related to resource allocation and collection growth in the age of climate change, and imagine what it might look like to alter our growth patterns.   

Topics: Collective Collections

Collections, the Network, and Library Collaboration

Collections, the Network, and Library Collaboration

By Lorcan Dempsey

University of Minnesota Libraries
Minneapolis, MN (USA)

Dempsey discusses the changing role of collections in research libraries and trends including inside out, facilitated, and collective collections.

Topics: Collective Collections, Collection Management, Library Consortia

The Network Reshapes the Research Library Collection

The Network Reshapes the Research Library Collection

By Lorcan Dempsey

CONUL Annual Conference
Athlone, (Ireland)

Dempsey provides an in-depth look into library collection trends, including collective collections, reconfiguration of research work, and reconfiguration of information space.

Topics: Collective Collections

Some Collection Directions: Inside Out, Facilitated, Collective

Some Collection Directions: Inside Out, Facilitated, Collective

By Lorcan Dempsey

Ohio Valley Technical Services Group Conference
Cincinnati, Ohio (USA)

Learn about new and evolving directions in collection management in libraries, including concepts such as inside out collections, facilitated collections, and collective collections.

Topics: Collective Collections

Collections: Inside Out, Facilitated, and Collective

Collections: Inside Out, Facilitated, and Collective

By Lorcan Dempsey

The Big Ten Academic Alliance Collective Collection
West Lafayette, Indiana (USA)

In this presentation, Dempsey examines the Big Ten Academic Alliance Collective Collection, showing trends and directions in collection management for the future.

Topics: Collective Collections