
Please note: This experimental research project has concluded.
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WorldCat Identities Network

The WorldCat Identity Network used the WorldCat Identities Web Service and the WorldCat Search API to create an interactive Related Identity Network Map for each Identity in the WorldCat Identities database. The Identity Maps were used to explore the interconnectivity between WorldCat Identities.

A WorldCat Identity was a person, a thing (e.g., the Titanic), a fictitious character (e.g., Harry Potter), or a corporation (e.g., IBM).


The WorldCat Identities Network gave users the opportunity to visually explore the interconnectivity and relationships between WorldCat Identities.


The WorldCat Identities Network is no longer available.

The WorldCat Identities API provided up to 10 Related Identities for each Identity. These Related Identities were then displayed as a visual network map that allowed users to easily jump from Identity Network to Identity Network by clicking the Identity name on the map.

The WorldCat Search API was used to provide added information for each relationship displayed on the Identity Network Map. Each Identity on the map had a corresponding entry below the map that used the WorldCat Search API to display titles found in WorldCat that referenced the two Related Identities.



JD Shipengrover

Team Members

Jeremy Browning

Thom Hickey

Diane Vizine-Goetz