
Please note: This experimental research project has concluded.
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OCLC Research work with genres

WorldCat Genre Profiles

WorldCat Genre Profiles allowed users to browse genre terms for hundreds of titles, authors, subjects, characters, places, and more, ranked by popularity in WorldCat.

The project applied principles of the FRBR model to aggregate author and title information and statistical association techniques to generate related subject headings (e.g., topics, characters, people, places, and organizations).

The initial set of profiles was based on genre terms selected from the Guidelines On Subject Access To Individual Works Of Fiction, Drama, Etc. (GSAFD), 2nd edition.

Genre definitions were adapted from scope notes in GSAFD, and the Library of Congress authority file and Moving Image Genre-Form Guide.   

WorldCat Genres Profiles was a joint experiment from OCLC Research and the team.

screenshot of the GSAFD application

GSAFD Search

GSAFD Search was an application that allowed users to search and browse the Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, Etc., (American Library Association & American Library Association Subcommittee on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction Drama etc., 2000, second edition. American Library Association).

The Guidelines constituted a recommendation for national standard practice in the provision of genre and subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, poetry, humor, and folklore in all formats.

This application was located at: