
Please note: This experimental research project has concluded.
The research prototype application is no longer supported or maintained by OCLC services, and information on this page is provided for historical purposes only. Some portion of this content may be out-of-date and include broken links. Please visit the OCLC Research website to learn more about our current research.

WorldCat Live!


The WorldCat Live! API provides an easy-to-consume real-time feed of newly added items to the WorldCat global catalog of library collections and published materials. The API allows you to select between RSS, Atom Pub, JSON, and lightweight XML formats and filter on author, title, type, and other attributes of the newly added records.

The WorldCat Live! Visualization Interface provides three interactive visualization of the WorldCat Live! API data. Geography, which displays where OCLC members are adding items to WorldCat in real-time around the globe.; Language tracks language of item added; and Format tracks the format of items as they are added to WorldCat. Format and Language both display colored bubbles that grow as new items are added.



JD Shipengrover

Team Members

Jeremy Browning