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WorldShare Collection Manager

WorldShare Collection Manager helps you manage your library’s metadata for electronic and print resources on a collection level. Four collection types allow you to receive and edit the information you need to save your staff time, help your users find and access resources through your catalog, and help people all over the world find your special collections.

With WorldShare Collection Manager, you can:

Person using a tablet computer

Manage all of your electronic resources

Library user pulling a book from a shelf

Get new print materials into circulation quickly

Students using laptop computer

Help users find your resources

Students using laptop computer

Improve local catalog quality

Get automatic MARC record updates for records in all collections
with WorldCat updates

Use WorldCat updates to save time maintaining your electronic and print collections and to ensure that your users can easily find and access your content with high-quality WorldCat records. Automatically receive customizable MARC record updates when something that you care about changes in a WorldCat record to keep your catalog up to date.

You can choose whether to receive WorldCat updates for only URL changes, for any enhancement to records in your collections or for any changes to all your WorldCat holdings. You can also exclude updates to records for items of a certain format or age. With this level of customization, you can be sure that the automatic MARC record updates you receive are most helpful for your library.

Learn more about WorldCat updates

"Records through WorldCat updates have the wonderful effect of making it appear like 9,000 other catalogers are working just for you."

Becky CulbertsonBecky Culbertson
Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian Shared Cataloging Program, California Digital Library California, United States

Manage all of your electronic resources with WorldCat knowledge base collections

WorldCat knowledge base collections help simplify your electronic resources workflow by allowing you to manage all aspects of this workflow in one interface. By combining data about your collections with linking features, you can improve the quality of your catalog and make your electronic materials easier to find, share, manage and use. Plus, you can automatically maintain WorldCat holdings as your collections change.

Choose one of the following ways to get started.

As part of the OCLC cooperative, you can also improve WorldCat knowledge base quality by using unique cooperative management capabilities, which give you the ability to:

  • add and share new titles and collections within the knowledge base, and
  • make changes to the OCLC control number match in existing knowledge base titles.
Woman using a tablet computer

WorldCat knowledge base collections inform other OCLC services that enable you to

"With our electronic holdings in the WorldCat knowledge base, 'View Now' links [in WorldCat Discovery] take our students from search results to full-text articles. Plus, our library catalog looks new and has lots of cover art, user-contributed reviews, editorial reviews and links to related subjects to give it a contemporary feel—the sort of look our students are used to."

Marilyn MurphyMarilyn Murphy
Former Director of Library Services, Mount Mercy University

Get new print materials into circulation quickly with WorldCat cataloging partner collections

WorldCat cataloging partner collections help you improve cataloging efficiency and get new physical items ordered through participating material providers to users without delay.

Automatically receive the WorldCat MARC records you need for your catalog, which you can customize to include additional data, such as your invoice date, net price, barcodes, custom notes and other local data.

In addition to MARC records, you can get print-ready spine and pocket label files with your preferred classification system call numbers. Or, have these files sent directly to your materials provider for shelf-ready processing.

Librarian reshelving a book

"WorldCat cataloging partners lets us get books cataloged faster. We don't need to search and import each record separately, which saves cataloging time. It's much easier for the processing staff to find the records they need when they need them."

Catherine E. GroveCatherine E. Grove
Head, Acquisitions and Rapid Cataloging, Northwestern University Library

Help users find your resources with WorldCat data sync collections

Synchronize your entire catalog with WorldCat to improve resource sharing and discoverability of your materials worldwide. A WorldCat data sync collection, formerly known as a Batchload project, allows you to maintain your holdings in WorldCat, including local bibliographic data and local holdings records. Find out what's included.

Plus, you can match your brief records in your local system to current WorldCat records so your patrons can benefit from a more complete representation of your holdings.

Learn more about WorldCat data sync collections

Screen capture of a search button

Improve local catalog quality with WorldCat query collections

Find and download sets of WorldCat records to maintain your group catalog and improve user experience. WorldCat query collections include a customized set of MARC records, which you can download on demand or on a scheduled basis.

For example, you can create WorldCat query collections to identify and download records for titles that libraries in your group have recently cataloged. Then, you can load these records into your group catalog so that users can easily find group resources.

Or, provide your users with accurate serials coverage information across formats. Download print serials coverage information in your LHRs and share with the WorldCat knowledge base to combine serials holdings in electronic and print formats.

Solve other problems at your library with other WorldCat query collections, such as

  • all your holdings;
  • all your serials, books or journals;
  • all your holdings within a certain subject area; or
  • new titles added with the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway or CONTENTdm®.

Learn more about WorldCat query collections

Screen capture of bibliographic record

WorldShare Collection Manager is a cataloging tool that helps you streamline and automate the management of records for your electronic and print collections in one place to help you save staff time while improving collection discovery and access.

Service availability

  • Available everywhere

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