


Academic library work meets sustainable development

Sustainable development and libraries: Global goals, collective action


Join academic library leaders from around the globe for an interactive session on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Learn how libraries and academic institutions use these goals to develop actionable strategies, align with institutional, regional and national priorities, and help address equity and social issues on their campuses. All libraries types are encouraged to attend. This discussion will be hosted by the OCLC Global Council library leaders listed below.

  • Constantia Constantinou, Vice Provost and Director of the Penn Libraries, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Matthijs van Otegem, University Librarian, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • MacKenzie Smith, University Librarian, University of California, Davis, California, United States 
  • Evi Tramantza, Director of Libraries and Archives, Anatolia College, Pylea, Thessaloniki, Greece

Moderated by Earl Givens Jr., Library Director, Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina, United States

This webinar is designed with academic libraries in mind and is the third in a series of yearlong discussions being hosted by the OCLC Global Council to create awareness and dialogue among library leaders on the SDGs around the globe.






11:00 上午 – 12:15 下午
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]