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JAN 25

Explore the shared network of collaboration and best practices in the OCLC Wise Community

A 30-minute webinar showing the many ways Wise libraries benefit from being part of the OCLC Community Center. Libraries considering an ILS change can learn about the value of having a highly engaged user community at their fingertips.

Dit is een on-demand evenement.

As part of the Wise Community, libraries can:

  • Navigate this 24/7 interactive, shared network that provides product updates, documentation, training and tutorials, events, and discussion boards
  • Collaborate with fellow library staff on Wise best practices
  • Contribute to the continued development of Wise

Speaker: Anna Jones, Senior Program Manager, Community Relations, OCLC Membership & Research

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25 januari 2023


1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]