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Cooperative quality programs

Authorization levels

All libraries with OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscriptions may contribute new and edit existing WorldCat records. Additonally, they can export records into local systems. Libraries with advanced authorization levels may make additional enhancements to WorldCat records.

Learn more about authorization levels

Expert Community

Any member library with an OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription or additional authorizations may participate in the Expert Community, which embodies the library values of cooperation, resource sharing and public service. As an evolution of the Enhance program, this group distributes the work of maintaining WorldCat by making real-time corrections and enrichments to WorldCat records. As more libraries participate in the Expert Community to improve WorldCat records, WorldCat becomes more valuable to all libraries and library users.

Learn more about the Expert Community

National Level Enhance Program

Libraries with membership in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, or PCC, can modify certain elements in PCC records that are not available for other libraries to edit in WorldCat. These libraries receive National Level Enhance authorization to replace and lock WorldCat records.

PCC consists of

  • Monographic Bibliographic Record Cooperative Program (BIBCO),
  • Cooperative Online Serials Program (CONSER),
  • Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO), and
  • Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO).

All of these groups contribute specific records and improvements to WorldCat. Further, CONSER participants can create and edit authenticated CONSER serial records.

National Level Enhance authorization also allows libraries to add records to and edit records in the LC Authority File.

U.S. Newspaper Program

In addition, the United States Newspaper Program (USNP) enhances the quantity and quality of newspaper records in WorldCat.