June 27 – July 2, 2024
Sixty years ago, there was no such thing as collaborative cataloging. Forty years ago, there was no such thing as online reference. Twenty years ago, there was no such thing as a cloud-based ILS. Five years ago, AI wasn’t helping to improve the quality of millions of WorldCat® records or optimizing lender strings to create the world’s fastest ILL network. Working together during the past six decades, we’ve transformed librarianship and increased the impact that libraries have on their communities. And we’re just getting started!
Please join us to discuss the next great transformations. From linked data to AI to collection analytics OCLC continues to innovate by collaborating with and for libraries. Stop by booth #1349 during exhibit hours for a quick conversation and a refreshing beverage.
Don’t miss out on amazing sessions you won’t find anywhere else.
OCLC Meridian® is a new service for libraries to create, curate, and connect WorldCat Entities authority linked data. This linked data is then available for use across a wide variety of systems, integrating library resources where users search for information.
Discover how to align collections with institutional goals.
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Efficiently manage your physical and electronic resources in a single integrated library services platform.
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Provide your community with access to a wide variety of digital content.
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To support the world’s largest resource sharing network of 10,000+ libraries, we continue to invest and innovate in new technology like artificial intelligence. Our resource sharing services are evolving to better meet library staff and user expectations—faster, more automated, and personalized.
Our researchers collaborate with libraries from around the world to produce knowledge, evidence, and models that accelerate and expand library learning, innovation, and collaboration.
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