Making e-resources easier to find, share, manage, and use: A demo of how License Manager integrates with existing OCLC services
A 30-minute demonstration of License Manager.
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OCLC WorldShare License Manager allows you to manage your library's license agreements, rights, access, and resolution to full text more easily. With License Manager, you get a full analytics database of statistics to help you make better decisions about your e-resource licenses over their life cycles and ensure your library provides access to the resources your users need.
In addition to seamless integration with your existing OCLC subscriptions, you can:
- Automatically maintain accurate links.
- Streamline workflows with "crowd-sourced" templates.
- Automate your ILL connection.
- Inform your decision making with usage statistics.
- Instantly publish and maintain Discovery public notes.
- Automate your license trails.
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13 janvier 2021
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]