


Find WorldCat Entities to improve resource discoverability through connections

Funded in part by a grant from the Mellon Foundation, in partnership with an advisory group of 28 libraries, and built on OCLC’s decades of linked data research, WorldCat Entities represent a critical next step toward making linked data work for libraries.

Logo: WorldCat Entities

Use the search box on to find and view WorldCat Entities for Persons, Places, Events, and Works. Browse through different languages and explore the way each entity links to other external vocabularies and authority files for further context.

Since 2009, OCLC has taken a lead role in helping libraries realize the promise of linked data through our ground-breaking research projects and subsequent reports. WorldCat Entities marks a seminal next step in the journey by putting our research into practice. For library staff, linked data makes metadata workflows more efficient by putting contextual information and authorities into the description process. For researchers, linked data empowers the discovery and connection of new and unexpected information. Join us as we continue to work with libraries of all types to deliver exciting, enhanced experiences to their users.

Mary Sauer-Games

“...a solid foundation”

“These entities will establish a solid foundation upon which libraries, cultural heritage organizations, and scholarly communications communities can rely to manage their collections and research outputs and make them more easily discoverable on the web.”

Mary Sauer-Games
Vice President, Global Product Management
Dublin, Ohio, United States


Shared entity management infrastructure advisory group

Members of the advisory group worked closely with us over two years to assess and enhance WorldCat Entities, test APIs and user interface prototypes, and provide feedback on the value of linked data in libraries. Their thoughtful insights and commitment to the future of linked data have been essential to helping us reach this major milestone on the journey toward practical library linked data.

Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (ABES)

Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma

Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

Brigham Young University Library

British Library

Central Michigan University Libraries

Cleveland Public Library

Cornell University Library

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB)

Harvard University

National Library Board, Singapore

National Library of Medicine

National Library of New Zealand

New York University Libraries

Oxford University Libraries

Princeton University Library

Smithsonian Libraries


Temple University Libraries

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

University of California, Davis Library

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Minnesota Libraries

University of Pennsylvania Libraries

University of Tennessee Libraries

University of Victoria Libraries

Yale University Library


Have a question about WorldCat Entities or linked data?

If you have a question, please contact us.