Below you will find links to audio recordings and downloadable presentation PDFs for select sessions. If you weren't able to join us—or if there were parallel sessions you weren't able to attend—we hope you'll benefit from all of the great knowledge and breakthroughs that were shared.
API Task Force Update
Hank Sway, Timothy Jackson, Shannon Pritting
Tipasa Lightning Talks
Karen Alexander, Michael Buttrey, Carla Sands, Gina Bolger
Resource Sharing Development Lifecycle
Jennifer Corsi, Andy Cole
Keynote presentation: Conversations That Matter
Celeste Headlee
Library Consortia & How They Participate in Resource Sharing
Bethany Sewell, Lori Smith, Myra Justus
Maximum ILLiad: Let ILLiad Do the Work!
Jennifer Johns, Stephanie Spires
Reformatting Library Services: Providing Service to Patrons with Disabilities
Ronald Figueroa
Right Under Their Noses: Helping Patrons Identify the Resources at Their Fingertips
Jessica C.Garner, Jessica Williams
Managing Copyright in an ILL Setting
Pamela Johnston, Megan Gaffney, Troy Christenson, Nicole Clasen
ILL Borrowing Workflow Prioritization
Krista Higham
Tips & Tricks For Handling Difficult Requests
Tina Baich, Lapis David Cohen, Melissa Jackson
Enhancing the Information Trading Post: Exchanging WorldShare Interlibrary Loan For Tipasa
Anna Dulin Milholland
A Tale of Three Projects: Sharing Special Collections Materials via Resource Sharing
Dennis Massie, Heidi Nance, Michael Overgard, Brian Miller
Adventures in Data Visualization: Using Tableau to Show the Value of Resource Sharing
J. Silvia Cho
Blurred Lines: Developing a Blended Resource Sharing Workflow as a True Alternative to Subscriptions
Shannon Pritting, Michael C.Mulligan
Comparing Apples to Oranges: An Investigation into the Validity of Interlibrary Loan Statistics
Amie Freeman, Megan Palmer
Using Tipasa's Patron Request Form to Gather Statistics in A Library That Serves Multiple Institutions
Teva Sweet
Resume Building: Supporting Your Staff and Student Assistants
Patricia Tiberii, Joanie Reynolds, Kristine Shrauger
Stretching the Elastic: Since One Size Does Not Fit All
Amy Greenberg, Anne E. McKee, Carol Nelson
Apples and Oranges: Are We All Counting the Same Things?
Troy Christenson
APIs 101
Hank Sway
Innovations in Patron Services
Mike Paxton, Amber Cook, Margaret Dunn
E-Resources and Interlibrary Loan
Peggy Glatthaar, Sarah Damery, Mikki Butcher
Historians' Use of ILL For Returnables: Reality vs. Perception of Turn-around Time
Bethany Sewell, David Murray
ILL and German Copright—the Solution of the ZBW
Nicole Clasen
The IDS Project: It's the People, Not the Platform
Jennifer Acker, Micquel Little, Beth Posner
Strategic Library Partnerships: More Than Books—Lending Biomolecular Models
Denise Gergetz
Change Management for System Implementations
Krista Higham, Michael Mulligan, Anna Dulin Milholland
Consortial Borrowing: An OCLC Update
Clare MacKeigan
Document Delivery Services Usage at Medium-Sized University with Graduate Student Programs
Megan Jaskowiak
Document Delivery and ILL in Discovery: Making It Easier for our Users
Melissa Eighmy Brown, Kate McCready
OCLC Update
Katie Birch
Stop Chasing Chickens and Let the Fences Do the Work: Data Supported Service Policies in Action
Zheng Ye (Lan) Yang, Zack Lane, Kurt Munson