OCLC Cataloging Community Meeting

17 June 2020 | Virtual event

On Friday, 17 June 2020, OCLC held our first virtual cataloging community meeting, which expanded on previously held Expert Cataloging Community Sharing sessions at ALA. During this meeting, cataloging members had an opportunity to share information on pertinent cataloging topics with OCLC staff and fellow catalogers from around the globe. 

Session recording and notes

First session: Cataloging community member presentations

This session offers an overview of LCSH tenative monthly lists and the process the committee follows to advocate change or emphasize the importance of proposed terms, and an overview of the WorldCat Metadata API.

Supplemental materials


Reviewing LCSH Tentative Monthly Lists

Presented by: Brian Stearns, Cataloguing Librarian, University of Alberta, and Candy Riley, Manager of Metadata Services, MARCIVE, Inc.

Duration: 10 minutes


Duration: 6 minutes

Me & the WorldCat Metadata API

Presented by: Kelley McGrath, Metadata Management Librarian, University of Oregon

Duration: 15 minutes


Duration: 6 minutes

Second session: OCLC Member Merge Program

The second session provides an overview of the OCLC Member Merge Program.

Supplemental materials


OCLC Member Merge Program 

Presented by: Laura Ramsey, Senior Metadata Operations Manager, Metadata Quality, OCLC

Duration: 5 minutes

The OCLC Member Merge Program Experience 

Presented by: Andrea M. Morrison, IU Merge Group Liaison to OCLC, Indiana University Bloomington

Duration: 9 minutes

WRLC and OCLC Member Merge Project 

Presented by: Marcus Jun, Alma Network Zone Manager, Washington Research Library Consortium

Duration: 4 minutes

Second session Q&A

Duration: 6 minutes

Third session: OCLC cataloging services updates

The third session includes presentations on creating infrastructure for library linked data and cataloging services updates.

Supplemental materials


Creating infrastructure for library linked data 

Presented by: Chelsea Dalgord, Product Analyst, Metadata Services, OCLC

Duration: 7 minutes

OCLC cataloging updates

Presented by: OCLC Metadata Quality staff

Duration: 20 minutes

Third session Q&A

Duration: 25 minutes