

JUL 28

See how a library system powered by community engagement gets you closer to your library’s goals

A 30-minute demonstration of OCLC's Wise, the first community engagement system for US public libraries

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As your library continues to evolve to put your community at the center of everything you do, now there’s a system that does the same and can support your efforts. OCLC Wise, the first community engagement system for US public libraries, is designed around people—both library users and library staff—with the goal of delivering great experiences and enabling libraries to reflect their communities. This holistic system helps anticipate customer needs, reach them more effectively, and delight them with every interaction.

See Wise in action and learn how it can help your library by:

  • Empowering staff to provide efficient patron assistance through staff-facing catalog flexibility
  • Providing relevant information to users through flexible customer records
  • Enabling effective floating, weeding and inspection with robust automated collection building tools that reflects your community’s interests
  • Removing barriers to library staff to leverage SIP2 connections, vendor records, saved selections and sets, and much, much more

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28 juillet 2022


2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]