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APR 17

AskQC office hours: Accessibility metadata in bibliographic records

Join OCLC Metadata Quality staff to discuss WorldCat quality issues and cataloging questions.

Accessibility metadata in bibliographic records

Accessibility metadata helps patrons find resources that meet their specific accessibility needs and informs them of accessibility hazards such as motion simulations. Because there are many RDA elements and MARC fields where this information may be recorded, a keyword search for "accessibility" in BFAS or RDA may not provide the answer for which data element is needed. Kate James and Morris Levy will discuss MARC fields obvious (341 and 532) and not so obvious (041, 340, 546) used for this metadata along with corresponding RDA instructions.

Toll-free call-in numbers

US/Canada: 1-877-668-4490
UK: 08-002061177

Inscríbase para asistir


17 abril 2025


4:00 p. m. – 5:00 p. m.
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]