


EZproxy Analytics pilot: Powerful intelligence for e-resource ROI

The University of Manchester Library holds the largest academic digital collection in the UK, subscribing to more than 38,000 paid-for serial titles (including journals, periodicals, annuals, newspapers, and conference proceedings), 584 databases, and more than 700,000 e-books. And managing all of this content is no easy task. Library staff approached the EZproxy Analytics pilot as an opportunity to access detailed usage reports in one place, rather than having to retrieve more basic statistics manually from multiple sources.

The library concluded the pilot excited about the potential opportunities, including how they can use a holistic view of their data to assess and communicate e-resource ROI. According to Electronic Resource Co-ordinator Tim O’Neill, “OCLC EZproxy Analytics is a priority for us, and we’re looking to exploit its full potential over the coming year. It promises to give us powerful intelligence around the value of our e-resources, as well as user behavior and trends.”

This case study is available in English and Spanish.

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