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WorldCat Metadata API

Improve the quality and comprehensiveness of your collection.

  • Status: Production
  • Sandbox access: Yes

Versions 1.x of the WorldCat Metadata API were decommissioned on 30 April 2024 and are now inoperable – users should upgrade to 2.0 to avoid disruptions to their workflows.

Libraries with an existing API key for the WorldCat Metadata API 1.x can use that key to access the WorldCat Metadata API 2.0 but code changes are necessary. To determine what you need to change, please refer to the technical documentation. For assistance, contact OCLC Customer Support.

To compare functionality of the WorldCat Metadata API versions 1.x and 2.0, please refer to the functionality comparison table.

This service allows libraries to search, retrieve and maintain their bibliographic, local bibliographic, holdings, and local holdings data in WorldCat. Additionally, libraries can search for and view summary holdings and shared print retention information from members throughout the cooperative. 

What you get

  • Keep local data synchronized with the cooperative.
  • Dynamic discovery of shared print retention data.
  • Enhance local metadata descriptions.
  • Maintain shared print commitments.
  • Share detailed local holdings information with the cooperative.
  • Showcase your unique local materials.
  • Expose your cataloguing expertise to the cooperative.
  • Find the most popular Library of Congress and Dewey classification numbers for a bibliographic record.

Who can use it

  • Libraries that maintain a OCLC Cataloging and Metadata subscription (full cataloging)