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Nov 22

22 November 2023

¿Qué hace únicos a los catálogos colectivos de OCLC?

Descubra por qué las bibliotecas nos escogen para sus iniciativas de innovación bibliotecaria. En este seminario online compartiremos los beneficios de construir catálogos colectivos con la tecnología de OCLC y conoceremos casos reales en España.

  • Heure: 11:00 – 12:00 Central European Time [UTC +1]

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Aug 15

15 August 2023

Meet me on the web: Reach information seekers where they search

New and expanded initiatives in OCLC’s unique web visibility program help more people connect with libraries from popular web locations in searchers’ typical information journeys. This program provides details about key components of OCLC’s web visibility program — direct links from Google Search results to library catalogs and and its associated mobile app, WorldCat Find.

  • Heure: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

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