With WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway, you can:
Customize your content's WorldCat display
The Digital Collection Gateway's metadata map allows you to choose how your records will appear in WorldCat. A preview of your metadata in a WorldCat.org™ display enables you to select the right content and appearance for your library's digital collections.
Schedule updates with your workflow
With the sync scheduler, you can add updates to WorldCat based on your local workflow for building and maintaining each of your digital collections. Additionally, you can choose how often you want to synchronize your metadata—monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
Create profiles for automatic harvesting
Using the Digital Collection Gateway, you can create profiles for your digital content metadata to be regularly harvested, uploaded and converted to WorldCat format. After uploading, WorldCat assigns and returns an OCLC number, which you can embed in the metadata to support future synchronizations.
The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway is a self-service tool for harvesting the metadata of your unique, open-access digital content into WorldCat. Once there, your collections are more visible and discoverable to end users who search WorldCat as well as other popular websites.
Service availability
Available everywhere
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Get started
The Digital Collection Gateway is available at no charge to institutions that want to contribute their metadata to WorldCat.