
WorldCat Registry API transition resources 

Access to the WorldCat Registry API will end on 30 November 2025.

Since this API was first introduced, we’ve released new services and more contemporary, full-featured APIs that provide superior user experiences and deliver the functionality today’s users expect. Other OCLC APIs and services now provide enhanced features that surpass the capabilities of the WorldCat Registry API.

Here are some advantages offered by our newer APIs: 

  • Increased security. Our contemporary authentication technology patterns ensure a higher level of security for your library's data. 
  • Uniform data model. We have adopted JSON as the standard format for data exchange, making it easier to understand and work with. 
  • Enhanced features.

Recommended transition paths 

We encourage you to implement alternate OCLC solutions for your primary uses of the WorldCat Registry API 1.0. 

Current WorldCat Registry API 1.0 use 

Recommended alternative 

Convert OCLC Symbol to RegistryID or RegistryID to OCLC Symbol

WorldCat Metadata API 2.0

Look up holding and shelving codes to use in LHRs 

WorldCat Metadata API 2.0

Find Libraries near a specific set of geocoordinates - latitude, longitude

Library Profiles API*

Find Libraries in a specific State, Province, Postal Code or Country


Library Profiles API*

Find Libraries by their Name

Library Profiles API*

View basic information about a Library such as address, website url, branches, and phone number

Library Profiles API*

*Included in WorldCat Discovery Premium API package

Support for your transition 

Our API team is committed to supporting your transition from the WorldCat Registry API to a newer OCLC API or service.

Learn from an API expert

Help for specific transition tasks 

Personal assistance when you need it