
Upcoming WMS Circulation API Changes

On 21 February 2021 OCLC will be installing an update to the WMS Circulation API which will affect a circulation hold request.

Hold Request:

A new field, staffFacingHoldNote, will be added to the itemDescriptionType element of the pull list response. The staffFacingHoldNote is an optional field on a circulation hold request that can be used by library staff to record information that should not be visible to the requesting patron. For example, a staff hold note may be used to track why a branch has declined to fulfill a request, the number of days that library staff have been unable to find the requested item, information about condition of the requested item, etc. 

The freeText field will continue to provide the hold note that is visible to both the requesting patron and library staff. Like freeText, staffFacingHoldNote will contain a maximum of 500 characters.


The new field is an additional field and clients are not required to consume it.  However, it is strongly recommended that clients performing strict schema validation should update their code prior to the install.

More information about the staff hold note will be available in the OCLC API documentation.


Please contact OCLC Customer Support with questions about these changes. 

  • Karen Coombs

    Karen Coombs

    Senior Product Analyst