Today at Developer House: Data strategy, lightning talks, oh my!

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Today’s Developer House activities were a real adventure. The morning was filled with an overview of OCLC’s data strategy and plans for exposing entities. The later half of the morning saw a bevy of lightning talks ranging from user experience to Hadoop and inspired lots of great conversations over lunch.

After lunch our groups camped out at OCLC in the Kilgour Boardroom and dug in to their projects, collaborating with OCLC staff and members of the Developer Network community. While one group chatted with Demian Katz from Villanova about the user stories for the VuFind WorldCat Discovery API integration, another group got SPARQL schooling from Jeff Young to help move along their project to show resources related to current trends. The small but mighty “type ahead search” and “alternative fulfillment options” groups moved ahead significantly and expanded their project scopes as a result.

We wrapped up the day in true Developer House style - with tasty beverages and Jeni’s ice cream in the suite!

Want more Developer House? Stay tuned to #devhouse or watch it all unfold on flickr.

  • Karen Coombs

    Karen Coombs

    Senior Product Analyst