
Updated WMS License Manager API Coming This Summer

The WMS License Manager web service continues to grow and, coming this summer, you can expect a new version of the API with several additional features. In addition to increased stability and extensibility, the next release of the License Manager web service will enable support for key features we know are important to users:

  • New support for subscription period control in addition to license periods. This fundamental change to our product is crucial for cost-per-use analysis of licensed content.
  • Enhanced control over historical events enabling API users to support their existing workflows with a custom alerting system.
  • Streamlined services to increase the efficiency of working with licenses, permissions, templates, and collections associated with licenses.

For the short term, we have deprecated the existing beta version of the WMS License Manager API and will no longer support it. We appreciate the feedback we’ve received to date. Going forward, the WMS License Manager API will continue to provide developer-level access to a specific institution's license information and global license templates encoded within OCLC WorldShare License Manager.

As always, if you are interested in helping us test our forthcoming API, or if you want to share your potential use cases with us, please contact us here at devnet[at]