WorldCat Mashathon U.S. happens this week!
We're all getting excited about the WorldCat Mashathon, set to begin this week. Karen leaves for DC tomorrow, and I follow her on Wednesday. We're expecting lots of code blossoms along with the cherries, if you excuse the bad analogy.
The good news is, it's still NOT TOO LATE to register and come to either the Washington, DC or the San Mateo, CA location. Both places still have seats available. So if you've been on the fence, trying to cram more work in before you go for a continuing education activity--which a WorldCat Mashathon definitely qualifies as--get your registration in now and then get to cramming until Thursday morning. Because it will be a fun-filled and action-packed adventure! Can't wait to see what everyone decides to work on.
And finally: even if you can't attend, we're always open to suggestions on projects to have the groups work on, and you can follow the activities on Twitter with the tag #MashUS11.
We'll post out more information closer to time, if you want to join the Show and Tell portion of the Mashathon.