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WorldCat Search API enhanced to include JSON output for library location

If you're a member of the OCLC Developer Network (aka, a member of the WC-DEVNET-L listserv community), then you already heard about this update awhile back. But I realized we hadn't posted it officially to the blog yet--so here we are. The JSON format option for library holdings data is helpful for WorldCat Search API-using developers who want to supply a list of nearby WorldCat libraries that hold the materials in question. The JSON holdings format provides some very brief bibliographic information along with structured data describing holding libraries, including the familiar values from the current XML response. Find more information on the JSON holdings format in the documentation. Additional recent enhancements to the WorldCat Search API include adding South African postal codes and fixes such as:

  • OCLC symbols that include "@" in the symbol name
  • the "any" relation operator
  • SRU errors with quotation marks

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