WorldCat Mashathon UK + Liver and Mash set for 13-14 May in Liverpool
14 April 2010
Clear your diary now for the WorldCat Mashathon UK event, planned for 13 May in Liverpool, UK. We're co-producing the mashathon with the Mashed Libraries group--so it's a Liver and Mash Mashathon 2-day extravaganza. Of course, you can come for either day and not the other if you'd like--but while you're there you might as well enjoy both days of coding fun. Note there are only 13 slots left for the Liver and Mash event on Friday--but plenty of room still for the Mashathon on Thursday. Here's what you can expect from the day:
WorldCat Mashathon UK - Thursday 13 May The Mashathon will follow a similar format as previous events in
Seattle ,
Amsterdam and
New York. Participants will spend the day learning about, brainstorming and coding mash-ups to take advantage of all that
WorldCat , the world's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic database from OCLC, has to offer. OCLC UK staff will kick off the session, and OCLC Developer Network manager
Karen Coombs and OCLC Research engineer
Bruce Washburn will present and be available for questions and breakout facilitation. Ideas and outcomes from the Mashathon, together with a participants list, will be shared during and after the event for others to download and build on. Get more details on the
WorldCat Mashathon UK on the OCLC Developer Network site.
Liverpool Tweetup - Thursday 13 May (optional) Join the Liverpool Twitter community from 6pm at Brew Tea Shop, Bold St, Liverpool. Enjoy some acoustic tunes, refreshments and good conversation. Follow the action from both days on twitter. #livtweet
Liver and Mash - Friday May 14 A lively programme will include speakers from the libraries and museums sector, as well as local businesses engaged in mashups. A range of lightning talks will leave you struggling to choose which to attend, following by a delightful selection of practical workshops hosted by experts to whet your mashing appetites. Get the full programme from the
Liver and Mash site. Plan to attend these two fabulous days at one single venue. Note to bring your laptop, as there are no PCs at Parr St!
Register now for both events The registration is 20 quid and includes breakfast, lunch and tea breaks. The venue promises to be cool, as ColdPlay, Moby and others have played there. Who wouldn't want to code where ColdPlay has trod?