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Twelve new apps added to the OCLC Application Gallery

Fortunately, people have been hard at work figuring out new apps and mashups with OCLC Web Services and links. I've just been slow to get them out to you! But now there are twelve--count them, twelve--new apps in the OCLC Application Gallery ( in no particular order):

  1. Getting It System Toolkit (GIST) for Gifts and Weed Manager
  2. New York Times bestsellers mashup with WorldCat
  3. Fuwatto WorldCat Search
  4. Powerhouse Museum
  5. UNC Chapel Hill library catalog
  6. TRLN Authorities Autosuggest
  7. EasyBib
  8. Pic2Shop
  9. Book Bazaar
  10. WorldCat Search API query for mobile
  11. WebVoyage Tomcat--OCLC Citation in ActionBox
  12. EZproxy wondertool

Congratulations and thanks for all these successful implementations. If you've done something cool with an OCLC Web Service, let us know and we'll get it up in the Application Gallery.